
Showing posts from February, 2014

css3 - Css animation not working only under chrome -

duplicate warning, sorry. i have read couple similar posts, , tried solutions none did work. i have simple animation hide, show , imge. #top_heading .chmurka2{ position:absolute; top:0; left:257px; -webkit-animation: top_chmurka2 8s 1s infinite alternate; -moz-animation: top_chmurka2 8s 1s infinite alternate; -ms-animation: top_chmurka2 8s 1s infinite alternate; -o-animation: top_chmurka2 8s 1s infinite alternate; animation: top_chmurka2 8s 1s infinite alternate; } @-webkit-keyframes top_chmurka2 { /*chrome , safari*/ 0% { opacity:1; } 50% { opacity:0; } 100% { opacity:1; } } @-moz-keyframes top_chmurka2{ /*mozilla*/ 0% { opacity:1; } 50% { opacity:0; } 100% { opacity:1; } } @-ms-keyframes top_chmurka2{ /*before ie 10*/ 0% { opacity:1; } 50% { opacity:0; } 100% { opacity:1; } } @-o-keyframes top_chmurka2{ /*ie9+, opera*/ 0% { opacity:1; } 50% { opacity:0; } 100% { opacity:1; } } @keyframes top_chmurka2 { /*

teradata - How to find all tables / views with a column name that matches a particular pattern -

how find tables or views have column name matches pattern. the pattern simple like %abcd% pattern , not regex. the query or queries should return both views , tables. dbc.columnsv stores column information: select databasename, tablename, columnname dbc.columnsv columnname '%abcd%' ; this might return stored prodedures or macros, might better join dbc.tablesv: select t.databasename, t.tablename, t.tablekind, columnname dbc.tablesv t join dbc.columnsv c on t.databasename = c.databasename , t.tablename = c.tablename columnname '%abcd%' , tablekind in ('t','v') ;

php - deleting a member registered in the members database -

i have database setup register members members area of site. can echo of registered members checkbox can choose delete individual member admin page, cant seem figure out how member chosen deleted when submit button clicked. have tried on single page , on 2 page process, first page lists members checkbox works point of choosing member deleted, difficulty seem having getting members detail passed delete section of code. assist me please. here delete_user.php lists members checkbox <?php include_once 'db_connect.php'; include_once 'functions.php'; sec_session_start(); //display users info checkbox delete $sql = "select * `members` limit 0, 30 "; $result = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<input type="checkbox" value="' .$row['username'] . '" name="delete[]" />'; // echo '<input ty

ibm mobilefirst - Worklight Facebook platform selection? -

for facbook integration in worklight platform should select android or website , right developing android environment later doing iphone , windows place facebook integration code in index.html(main) or in android project separately created ? confused reply it looks developing worklight-based hybrid application , in case should opt facebook javascript sdk . you can add common\js folder , reference in common\index.html (just follow instructions facebook provides). way 'extend' whichever additional environments add in worklight studio in project setup. of course, can choose use facebook's native sdks each environment in hybrid application. in case, you'll need add sdk in iphone-ipad-or-android\native folder , follow facebook's integration instructions (note iphone actual integration done in xcode, not eclipse). if choose create native application , bundle worklight sdk, should opt facebook sdk dedicated specific os. here, add sdk, again, fol

c# - Report Viewer export to pdf getting error -

i getting error "cannot create data reader dataset 'dataset1'." i expend lots of time solving issue unable resolved.same code working report generation @ time of pdf generation stuck. here code please reply. protected void btnpdf_click(object sender, eventargs e) { string pdf = "pdf"; string reporttype = "reporttype"; warning[] warnings = null; string[] streamids = null; string mimetype = string.empty; string encoding = string.empty; string extension = string.empty; string filetype = string.empty; long _landids = 0; if (_farmid > 0) { land land = landmanager.getlandbyfarmid(_farmid); _landids = land.landid; } reportviewer_myreportid.sizetoreportcontent = true; reportviewer_myreportid.localreport.reportpath = "reports/repor

64bit - Is 64-bit mandatory condition for iOS 8 submit to App Store -

as ios 8 released month , app support 32-bit(because 3rd lib compatible 32-bit), i'm not sure new version of app whether rejected if submit app store on next month, because not support 64-bit. need set app support 64-bit(replace 3rd lib) before submit updates? thanks in advance! right - can submit 32-bit apps. have submitted our 32-bit app app store month ago , planning submit update (also 32-bit) in near future. but apple require apps , updates 64-bit starting february 1, 2015.

dos - say with \n\r newline with Perl -

i use say dos newline format: say "foo" should display foo\r\n i tried redefine new line variable doesn't change anything local $/="\r\n"; another solution manually write: print "foo\r\n"; but not convenient don't use global vars affect handles; use open(my $fh, '>:crlf', ...) or binmode($fh, ':crlf') :crlf added default on windows machines, specifying in open or trying add handle has using binmode won't hurt.

c# - How to call a service using multiple Endpoint URIs -

to put context, have client application attempt call webservice deployed on multiple web servers. uri list obtained settings.settings file of client , foreach loop cycle through uris until available service responds. let's have service following contract: [servicecontract] public interface icmmsmanagerservice { [operationcontract] serverinfo getserverinfo(string systemnumber); } in web.config of service's project, have defined cmmsmanager service the endpoint name: basichttpbinding_iworkloadmngrservice <system.servicemodel> <services> <service name="workloadmngr"> <endpoint binding="basichttpbinding" contract="imetadataexchange" /> </service> <service name="cmmsmanager"> <endpoint binding="basichttpbinding" contract="imetadataexchange" name="basichttpbinding_iworkloadmngrservice" />

html - Nested Divs\Grids 960 not displaying correctly -

i using 960 grid system layout webpage employer. attempting create div spans 6 columns, 3 nested divs span 2 columns each. when attempt last nested div pushed out of parent div. have tested on ie 11, chrome 37 , firefox 32 , browsers display last nested div outside parent div. using alpha , omega tags, appears omega tag not working on last nested div. omega tag should reduce right margin 0 on tagged div , allow 3 nested divs fit inside parent div. here html: <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>gridtest</title> <link href="12col.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body> <div class="container_12"> <div class="grid_6 push_3 box"> <div class="grid_2 alpha"> </div> <div class="grid_2 "> </div> <div class="grid_2 omega"> </div> &l

xcode - Disable UITextField Predictive Text -

with release of ios 8 disable predictive text section of keyboard when begin typing in uitextfield. not sure how done, appreciated! setting autocorrectiontype uitextautocorrectiontypeno did trick objective-c textfield.autocorrectiontype = uitextautocorrectiontypeyes; textfield.autocorrectiontype = uitextautocorrectiontypeno; swift 2 textfield.autocorrectiontype = .yes textfield.autocorrectiontype = .no swift 3 textfield.autocorrectiontype = .yes textfield.autocorrectiontype = .no

javascript - Google map loads on localhost ,but fails to load on online server -

i have been able deploy google map on localhost, loads coordinates success. when upload same code server, fails load.i tried could, @ lost here. <html> <head> <script type='text/javascript' src='jquery-1.6.2.min.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='jquery-ui-1.8.14.custom.min.js'></script> <style> body {font-family : verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; color: #000000; font-size : 13px ; } #map_canvas { width:100%; height: 100%; z-index: 0; } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="" /></script> <script type='text/javascript'> jquery(document).ready( function($){ function closeinfos(){ if(infos.length > 0){ infos[0].set("marker",null); infos[0].close(); infos.length = 0; } } /

How do I start the 'contains' decision operator in ColdFusion at a specific character in a string? -

my question super simple, can't seem figure out. i'm trying find character 'c' in seemingly random 10 character string. however, care character 'c' if 6th character in string. if character 'c' found @ 6th position in string string should enclosed in dashes (-). example: 14csi14550 should not enclosed in dashes, because c 3rd character in string. 14efec4933 should enclosed in dashes, because c 6th character in string. 14csic5005 should enclosed in dashes though there c in string. here have far, think i'm on right track contains, think need start looking c @ 5th character in string, skip first 5 characters. wrong though. code: <cfif #queryname.tendigitnumber# contains 'c'> <td width="100" class=bodytext valign="top" >-#plan.code#-</td> <cfelse> <td width="100" class=bodytext valign="top" >#plan.code#</td> </cfif> this encloses 10 character strin

c# - How to execute code as steps using a framework or built in functionality? -

i'm looking framework or built in way write elegant code easy maintain following. this example: in main method want 3 things: buy cake put icing on cake serve cake only once 3 actions complete consider operation success. if 1 particular action fails, want know failed. to solve problem main method can end looking this: public void isbirthdayasuccess() { var birthdaymanager = new birthdaymanager(); try { var cake = birthdaymanager.buycake(, quality.good,; assert.istrue(cake.arrivedquick && cake.isgood && cake.isquick, "supplier didn't cake right"); } catch {"the birthday operation has failed on step 1 : buying cake failed"); } try { birthdaymanager.cakes[0].puticingon("vanilla"); assert.istrue(birthdaymanager.cakes[0].isiced(), "icing cake didn't work"); } catch

java - How could I apply custom LifecycleStrategySupport to camel context -

could please provide simplest examples how apply custom lifecyclestrategysupport to 1. camel xml context 2. java camel context to more exact need have several camel contexts (within single spring context), , apply custom lifecycle strategy 1 of them. it's easy setup custom lifecyclestrategysupport camel context below code. mylifecyclestrategy dummy1 = new mylifecyclestrategy(); camelcontext context = new defaultcamelcontext(); context.addlifecyclestrategy(dummy1); if use spring configuration, lifecyclestrategy defined in application inject camelcontext directly. may need check camelcontext id in custom lifecyclestrategy before handling lifecycle event. <bean id="lifecyclestrategy" class="org.apache.camel.spring.dummylifecyclestrategy"/> <camelcontext id="camel1" xmlns=""> <route> <from uri="direct:start"/> <to uri="mock:resul

javascript - Ember Nested Route and Promises -

i have jquery ajax call defined this var fetchmessages = function(){$.getjson(<some url>).then(function(data){ return data; }}; var messages = fecthmessages(); my routes setup this { this.resource('messages', function() { this.resource('message', { path: ':message_id' }); }); }); i use promise messages in routes this app.messagesroute = ember.route.extend({ model : function(){ return messages; } }); the above route works fine. next have nested route shown below. errors out when directly try visit #/messages/<id of message> . loading #/messages followed visiting #/messages/<id of message> works fine. app.messageroute = ember.route.extend({ model: function(params) { message = messages.findby("id", params.message_id); return message; } });

javascript - Twitter Bootstrap timepicker without AM/PM button in View side -

i have timepicker bootstrap: (demo) now whant hide am/pm, possible javascript. or have remove bootstrap.timepicker.js? i have try this: $('#timepicker1').timepicker({ defaulttime: 'value', minutestep: 1, disablefocus: true, format: 'hh:mm', template: 'dropdown' }); but not working. realy help add option showmeridian follows, $('#timepicker1').timepicker({ defaulttime: 'value', minutestep: 1, disablefocus: true, template: 'dropdown', showmeridian:false });

reporting services - Keep Group on one page if possible not working -

i building ssrs report in 2012. i have tablix has 1 grouping , 1 detail. there 5 rows in tablix, 4 of displaying group level information, or headers detail, , 1 detail row itself. in row groups section have following layout [ (group1) (static) (static) (static) - (detail) (static) (static) my goal to, whenever possible keep rows group on same page. if can fit 16 rows on page, long have less 12 detial rows should able fit them on 1 page long 4 group level rows. i have gone "row groups" section , click on each of 7 items , selected keeptogether = true . selected first 2 static rows , last 2 static rows , set them keepwithgroup = after . not set middle static row keepwithgroup = after because following error when saving: the grouping 'group1' has invalid tablixmember. tablixmember dynamic (i.e., has group specified) or has dynamic descendants must have keepwithgroup property set "none". what else can keep each group on same page w

How to create a formula with several conditions in crystal -

i new crystal reports , need formula, think may on complicating it what want return netweight if productlineid (in wjcproductline table) equal productlineid in wjcpackingline table and pallet weight greater 1 and line status equal 7 any appreciated kris basic question should have googled first before posting question here. if (wjcproductline.productlineid = wjcpackingline.productlineid ) , (pallet_weight>1) , (line_status=7) netweight

javascript - Passing dynamic element id to jquery function -

i've got code in .gsp image link trigger event on click through jquery function. problem want pass dynamic id ( id="deletesupp_${}" ) jquery function can trigger event handler when image link clicked. <div class="deletesupplementary" data-supplementary=["${}","${supplementary.sth?.id}"]> <a href="#" > <r:img id="deletesupp_${}" class="icon float-right" uri="/img/app-icon-delete.gif" title="delete"/> </a> </div> here jquery function function showconfirmationpanel(){ $("#deletesupp_${}").live('click',function (event){ event.preventdefault(); $("#someform").show(); }); } function showconfirmationpanel() { $('img[id^="deletesupp_"').on ( 'click',

javascript - jquery text change event is not fired in chrome -

i tried put jquery change event inside document.ready no luck. change event working in firefox , ie, not in chrome. alert box not appearing while changing values in ctl00_contentplaceholder1_txt_regno textbox. but when type in textbox , remove value using backspace textbox it's working in chrome. should work @ first time while changing values in textbox in chrome. script: $("#ctl00_contentplaceholder1_txt_regno").change(function () { alert("done"); var regno = $("#<%= txt_regno.clientid %>").val(); var fleetno = $("#<%= txt_fleetno.clientid %>"); var customername = $("#<%= txtcustomername.clientid %>"); var ridername = $("#<%= txtridername.clientid %>"); var phoneno = $("#<%= txtphoneno.clientid %>"); var email = $("#<%= txtemail.clientid %>"); var chassis = $("#<%= txtchassis.clientid %>"); var ddlmode

java - How to get visible beacons from the RegionBootstrap AltBeacon method -

i'm using example code on page ( ) in starting app in background section , i've got working app. it detects whenever beacon in range on background. the problem need know beacon (uuid, major, minor) match against local database , throw notification app still on background. the didenterregion(region region) function has matchesbeacon method, , i've tried doing following identify of beacons being seen it's throwing nullpointerexception: public class sightseeing extends activity implements bootstrapnotifier, rangenotifier { @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); region region = new region("sightregion", null, null, null); regionbootstrap = new regionbootstrap(this, region); beaconmanager.getinstanceforapplication(this).getbeaconparsers().add( new beaconparser(). setbeaconlayout("m:2-3=0215,i:4-19

clojure - Meta data in python -

i've noted in languages, clojure example, can assign meta-data objects. in python, can this. class meta_dict(dict):pass a={'name': "bill", 'age':35} meta_a = meta_dict(a) meta_a.secret_meta_data='42' meta_a==a true secret_meta_data_dict=meta_a.__dict__ original_dict=dict(meta_a) i wondering if reasonable pattern follow when need have data in particular form want other data follow along gracefully. no comment on ...reasonable pattern follow... here way using __metaclass__ >>> class metafoo(type): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dict): dict['foo'] = 'super secret foo' return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict) >>> class wye(list): __metaclass__ = metafoo >>> class zee(dict): __metaclass__ = metafoo >>> y = wye() >>> y.append(1) >>> y.append(2) >>> y [1, 2] >>> 'super secret foo' >>> z

dependencies - OSGi Import-Package: did I get the wrong package? -

i'm trying use osgi bundle, it's stuck in "installed" state , won't resolve. when try start it, following message: org.osgi.framework.bundleexception: not resolve module: org.apache.felix.gogo.usocklistener [6] unresolved requirement: import-package: org.osgi.service.command; version="0.7.0.snapshot" here current list of bundles: start level 6 id|state |level|name 0|active | 0|osgi system bundle (3.10.100.v20140909-1519) 1|active | 4|osgi release 4.2.0 services (3.4.0.v20140909-1519) 2|active | 4|osgi release 4.2.0 utility classes (3.3.0.v20140909-1519) 3|active | 4|apache felix gogo command (0.14.0) 4|active | 4|apache felix gogo runtime (0.12.1) 5|active | 4|apache felix gogo shell (0.10.0) 6|installed | 4|apache felix gogo usocklistener (1.0.0.snapshot) 7|installed | 4|apache felix web management console (4.2.3.snapshot) 8|active | 4|apac

python 2.7 - Hierarchical index in data frame missing columns -

im trying learn pandas doing different exercises. created dataframe looks example below. i'm trying create unique id concatenating fields, when data frame columns have fpd column. explain me why don't see columns? monthid pollutantid processid roadtypeid avgspeedbinid fpd 1 1 1 4 1 1.749101 2 0.935300 3 0.529701 4 0.393052 5 0.306381 6 0.261649 7 0.235040 i data frame executing this: fpd = data['fpd'].groupby([data['monthid'],data['pollutantid'], data['processid'],data['roadtypeid'],data['avgspeedbi

osx - singleshot QTimer on OS X rapid fires multiple times and too early -

i have implemented idle timer on resource (class) instances of can open in several applications @ once. hence, idletimer not simple qtimer , slot (trigger) needs verify if no other applications have accessed same resources during last n minutes. if case, timer reset (without updating lastaccessedtime value), otherwise resource closed. timer singleshot one, , lastaccesstime kept in qsharedmemory object. here's trace output: ### "google contacts () of type google contacts" idle timeout 6 min. kwallet::wallet(0x105d1f900) "kdewallet" handle 0 ; elapsed minutes= 5.83601 timer qtimer(0x11d273d60) triggered 1 times ### slotidletimedout ->handleidletiming: setting qtimer(0x11d273d60) wallet "kdewallet" handle 0 timeout 6 ### "google contacts () of type google contacts" idle timeout 6 min. kwallet::wallet(0x105d1f900) "kdewallet" handle 0 ; elapsed minutes= 5.83634 timer qtimer(0x11d273d60) triggered 2 times ### "g

eclipse - How do I configure mylyn jenkins? -

i want integrate jenkins in eclipse. found mylyn hudson/jenkins connector , have installed in eclipse luna. restarted eclipse , attempted add jenkins server mylyn repository. doesn't show jenkins connector when click "add repository". there tutorial out there on how can set up? thanks! you in wrong view. open "builds" view connect hudson or jenkins.

pattern matching - KMP Table building algorithm -

i checked kmp table-building algorithm wikipedia don't understand logic behind second case of while loop (second case: doesn't, can fall back) else if cnd > 0 let cnd ← t[cnd] i tried build table using algorithm , works perfectly. understand cnd ← t[cnd] helps find proper suffix length. don't understand "how" it? an explanation example nice. thanks! edit: found out question duplicate of question here: "partial match" table (aka "failure function") in kmp (on wikipedia) i think answer now. still, 1 more explanation helpful. thanks! suppose have string hello world!!! , want search head up . hello world!!! head ^ when in first , second character first condition apply (first case: substring continues) , in case of marked position, character don't match inside sub-string match (2 character matched until there), case correspond second conditional (second case: doesn't, can fall back) .

.net - Converting XML like document to XML -

i have document close in format xml outside source (i cannot have fixed @ source). software @ 1 point industry standard in hands of whole lot of our users, , replacing these system cost our users big bucks. won't it. document comes in formatted xml, in scenarios document has invalid text in innertext of of elements. 1 such example <=> . i'm finding these in places have been texts fields input user, , source application did not clean @ time of generation of xml document. i have .net application reading document xmlreader object. in cases succeeds, because in cases document valid xml document. if document isn't xml document throws exception obvious reasons. does know of way convert document xml before load? or else there way make xmlreader handle errors more gracefully? data prevents document being valid xml document not important me , thrown away. important me formatted valid xml. the other system not giving xml. don't think of invalid

How to create an XML <ABC Name="XYZ" Place="DEF" /> in C# -

iam trying create xml in particular format format needed <rowdata> <row name="abc" place="def"/> </rowdata> currently format getting as <rowdata> <row>name="abc" place="def" </row> </rowdata> code xmlwritersettings wsettings = new xmlwritersettings(); wsettings.indent = true; wsettings.conformancelevel = conformancelevel.fragment; wsettings.omitxmldeclaration = true; memorystream ms = new memorystream(); xmlwriter xw = xmlwriter.create(ms, wsettings); xw.writestartelement("rowdata"); (int = 0; < dt.rows.count; i++) { xw.writestartelement("row"); xw.writestring("name=" + "''" + dts1.rows[i]["name"].tostring() + "''"); xw.writestring("place=" + "''" + dts1.rows[i]["place"].tostring() + "''"); xw.writeendelement(); } what change have getting

mouseover - Jquery mouseenter state show active state and disable no active -

pretty strait forward: by default have 2 arrows displayed on hover active 1 have arrow. on mouse leave arrows displayed again. please have demo, right now, menu active demo: $('.subtext').mouseenter(function () { $(this).addclass('hover'); if ($(this).hasclass('hover')) { $(this).addclass('yes'); } }); $('.subtext').mouseleave(function () { $(this).removeclass('hover'); $(this).removeclass('yes'); }); you can use $('a:not(:hover)') select 1 cursor not hovering over. js (jquery): $('a').on('mouseover', function() { $('a:not(:hover)').removeclass('arrows'); }).on('mouseout', function() { $('a:not(:hover)').addclass('arrows'); }); here's fiddle .

oauth 2.0 - ios7 - cannot store credentials after authentication using AFOAuthCredential -

i authenticating against mobile server using afnetworking 2.0 + groauth2sessionmanager ( includes afoauthcredential) ( security framework included ... ) on authentication success , tokens stored credentials : - (void)authorizeuser:(nsstring *)login password:(nsstring *)password onsuccess:(void (^)())success onfailure:(void (^)(nsstring *))failure { nsurl *url = self.base_url; groauth2sessionmanager *sessionmanager = [groauth2sessionmanager managerwithbaseurl:url clientid:self.client_key secret:self.client_secret]; sessionmanager.responseserializer = [afhttpresponseserializer serializer]; [sessionmanager authenticateusingoauthwithpath:self.token_path login:login password:password scope:nil success:^(afoauthcredential *credential) { [afoauthcredential storecredential:credential withidentifier:[url host]]; self.creds = credential; success(); } failure:^(nserror *err

java - A calendar starts on a Monday and returns a 1 to an int weekDay and my code should should do that -

a calendar starts on monday , returns 1 int weekday , code should that. can't figure out next next since tried, got errors import java.applet.applet; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; public class dates2applet extends applet { public static void main(string[] args) { calendar c = calendar.getinstance(); int wday = c.get (calendar.day_of_week); if(calendar.monday == c.getfirstdayofweek()); { system.out.println("monday first day of week"); } if(calendar.monday == c.get(calendar.day_of_week)); { system.out.println("monday close books"); } if(calendar.day_of_week == c.get(calendar.day_of_week)); { system.out.println("normal week day"); } if(calendar.saturday ==0 || calendar.sunday ==0); { system.out.println("match day"); } } when put semicolon @ end of if statements

How to copy a line in excel using a specific word and pasting to another excel sheet? -

i have checked bunch of different posts , can't seem find exact code looking for. have never used vba before i'm trying take codes other posts , input info work. no luck yet. @ work have payroll system in excel . trying search name "clarke, matthew" , copy row , paste workbook have saved on desktop "total hours" . tried , tested sub sample() dim wb1 workbook, wb2 workbook dim ws1 worksheet, ws2 worksheet dim copyfrom range dim lrow long '<~~ not integer. might give error in higher versions of excel dim strsearch string set wb1 = thisworkbook set ws1 = wb1.worksheets("yoursheetname") strsearch = "clarke, matthew" ws1 '~~> remove filters .autofiltermode = false '~~> assuming names in col '~~> if not change below whatever column letter lrow = .range("a" & .rows.count).end(xlup).row .range("

javascript - Hide fixed positioned div (parallax) under other divs -

i'm trying set parallax effect div inside section of page, trouble i'm having hard time positioning shows on parent section (id 'foo' on code below) of page. how can make happen? html <section> <p>duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis @ vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum.</p> </section> <article id="foo"> <div id="parallax"></div> </article> <section> <p>duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis @ vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatu

Android 'complete action using' back button press handling -

my android app uses intent = new intent(intent.action_view, uri); i.setflags(intent.flag_activity_no_history); startactivity(i); to begin twitter oauth process. code triggered button press. button change progress bar when pressed, have implemented. when new activity started, user prompted 'complete action using' dialog, , if user presses key while dialog box showing, returned activity. handle event , turn progress bar button - how can this? when user clicks back, onresume() method of fragment called. because of this, can change button normal style.

c# - Get path to "linked file" added to a folder in a project of executable app? -

i have utility win forms app has folder in project hold text file modified. text file located elsewhere in source , added folder linked file, keep synced project's needs. the app needs locate file, open it, append line , save back. how can path linked file use file.appendalltext() method add data? var path = httpcontext.current.server.mappath("~/somefolder/somefile.txt"); or var path = server.mappath("~/somefolder/somefile.txt"); //if inside web page or controller in mvc considering file there inside project. "~/" root folder of project.

javascript - Making Node.js work with tree-model-js -

thanks tree-model-js, great lib! new node.js , i'm trying import tree-model. npmed successfully. trying make node.js work library. guess node question , not tree-model issue, asking anyway in case lib needs changed it. i have following: var tm = require('tree-model'); //all far. but when trying recreate code works on webpage //is how access it? tm.tree = new treemodel(); it giving me error. have examples on how can achieved in node? essentially trying within main.js node file struggling understand how access variables/functions. works when on webpage when following: tree = new treemodel(); root = tree.parse({ name: "ben , jerry" }); any examples appreciated. please keep in mind new node.js , somehow rookie on javascript. learn better examples feel free point me in right direction. the error quite simple: treemodel not defined. require('tree-model') returns new node(this.config, model) , in code, node assigned variable tm

sharepoint - the remote server returned an error 414 request uri too long -

i using savebinarydirect method upload file sharepoint library. getting error below remote server returned error 414 request uri long can me please i wouldn't call sharepoint problem necessarily, more problem happens lot in sharepoint... essentially, have around 2,000 character limit url. in scenarios fine, in sharepoint becomes issue. users tend create lot of nested libraries , name of each library becomes part of url - separated '/'. file name added @ end of url. , make matters worse, if there spaces or un-url friendly characters, encoded , become 3 characters each - space becomes %20. adds up. in experience solution combination of user education , proper architecture. instead of creating nested libraries, store documents in single library , differentiate items assigning meta-data attributes, create views display items of particular type.

javascript - Combining streams with baconjs -

i have asynchronous events need combining. constructing array of n streams; each stream has onvalue function process returned data. i have tried combining of streams 1 onvalues on top of onvalue, not called properly. var streams = [] ... stream = bacon.fromcallback .... stream.onvalue...( ) streams.push(stream) ... bacon.onvalues(streams, f() { .... } ) what right way have function called when each stream has (unique) value... , when completed? i assume job: bacon.combineasarray(streams).onend(f)

LISP Exercice Fam Tr -

i'm trying exercise this: (defconstant *family-tree* '((father barack pat) (mother michelle pat) (father georgew peter) (mother laura peter) (father geogerh james (mother barbara james) (father bill jane) (mother hillary jane) (father james mark) (mother jane mark) (father peter mary) (mother pat mary) (father mark john) (mother mary john)))) but i'm not sure if best way. moreover, have no idea how create function "parents" , "grandparents". appreciate help. thanks you might want start baby steps: (defun make-person (name &optional father mother) (cons name (cons father mother))) now can create family tree: (defconstant *family-tree* (make-person 'john (make-person 'mark (make-person 'james ...) (make-person 'jane ...)) (make-person 'mary (make-person ...) (make-person ...)))) finding person in tree requires recu

three.js - How do you connect a geometry to two moving vertices -

i have created box geometries in threejs app , have drawn cylinder center of 1 center of using code below: function cylindermesh(pointx, pointy, material) { var direction = new three.vector3().subvectors(pointy, pointx); var orientation = new three.matrix4(); orientation.lookat(pointx, pointy, new three.object3d().up); orientation.multiply(new three.matrix4(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)); var edgegeometry = new three.cylindergeometry(2, 2, direction.length(), 8, 1); var edge = new three.mesh(edgegeometry, material); edge.applymatrix(orientation); edge.position.x = (pointy.x + pointx.x) / 2; edge.position.y = (pointy.y + pointx.y) / 2; edge.position.z = (pointy.z + pointx.z) / 2; return edge; } scene.add(cylindermesh(vertex1, vertex2, globalmaterial)); my question is: how keep cylinder &q

ajax - jquery autocomplete remote json -

i following sample here: i want know how adjust section below: .then(function (response) { $.each(response, function (i, val) { html += "<li>" + val + "</li>"; }); $ul.html(html); $ul.listview("refresh"); $ul.trigger("updatelayout"); }); my json response in following format: {"directory": [ { "firstname":"john", "lastname":"doe", "email":"", "ext":"1234", "dept":"acme inc." } ]} how access json data in .then function? cheers, david var response ={"directory": [ { "firstname":"john", "

html - JavaScript Hoisting declaration confusion when using Immediately-invoked function expression -

get confused. var message = "xinrui ma"; var call = (function(){ message = "i cool"; })(); alert(message); from perspective, code treated this: var message = "xinrui ma"; var call = (function(){ var message; // add message declaration here message = "i cool"; })(); alert(message); // should alert "xinrui ma", not "i cool", // cause hoisting javascript's default behavior of moving declarations // top of current scope but in fact, outputs "i cool", why that???? if don't have variable declaration inside function, uses variable containing scope. doesn't create new local variable -- there wouldn't way refer closure variables if did that. this has nothing hoisting, occurs when declare variable in function. hoisting apply if wrote: var call = (function() { message = "i cool"; var message

java - make a module's xml layer visible to other modules -

in netbeans platform i'm having 1 module watch xml filesystem , respond when it's changed other modules. i've created layer.xml in module. changes show in ide when in watching module click on xml layer node , open . during runtime when watching module looking @ xml filesystem changes other module aren't there. other module can see own changes during runtime. is there setting somewhere module lets other modules see xml layer? this code i'm using inspect xml filesystem during runtime - prints names of nodes file, , trigger button when modules open , running. private void btn1actionperformed(java.awt.event.actionevent evt) { try { bufferedwriter writer = files.newbufferedwriter(paths.get("filesystemout.txt"), charset.forname("utf-8")); exportfilesystem(fileutil.getconfigroot(), writer, 0); writer.close(); } catch (ioexception e)

Highcharts Dynamic tooltip positioning -

we doing proof of concept highcharts need replicate chart system. other system has charts laid out shown on jsfiddle page. created 4 axis, , positioned each axis x pixels left of prior one. problem tooltip axis 1-3 hover on axis 0. there way figure out axis hovering, or there way layout? tried using positioner function, not anywhere. positioner: function (boxwidth, boxheight, point) { } jsfiddle example it known bug reported here workaround (using positioner): tooltip: { positioner: function(w, h, p) { return { x: p.plotx + this.chart.hoverseries.xaxis.left - w/2, y: p.ploty } } }, docs: -

roles - How to set multiple users for 1 server in Capistrano to run tasks being logged in with different accounts? -

i try run tasks different users on 1 server. possible solution create additional roles like role :root, %w{root@ip} it works if run cap stage deploy it fails, default tasks run on root role , though need role tasks only. it there way define role default deploy task won't run on role? i know question old found while googling problem i'll answer else finds question. to keep out of release add no_release: true option. in example define root role this: role :root, %w{root@ip}, no_release: true

php - Trouble with Prepared Statements in -

i working on website interface allow colleagues add tuples database. don't understand why code isn't working , hoping me please. thanks. $query = "insert animal (mouseid,birthdate,harvestdate,injectiondate1, injectiondate2,injectiondate3,adjuvant,target,gender,age,animaltype, titer,antibodytype) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $statement = $databaseconnection->prepare($query); $statement->bind_param('sssssssssisss', $_post['mouseid'], $_post['birthdate'], $_post['harvestdate'], $_post['injectiondate1'], $_post['injectiondate2'], $_post['injectiondate3'], $_post['adjuvant'], $_post['target'], $_post['gender'], $_post['age'], $_post['animaltype'], $_post['titer'], $_post['antibodytype']); $statement->execute(); $statement->close(); you aren't checking whether prepare , execute functions succee

css - Datepicker partially hidden by overflow-y scroll -

i building bootstrap-grid column inside of have panel. inside panel have datepicker , there must lot of other controls need able scroll down (y-axis only) inside panel. unfortunately datepicker popup window partially hidden because of overflow-z , overflow-x styling enables scrolling : <div style="height: 480px;overflow-y: scroll;overflow-x:hidden;"> ... </div> is possible overcome css trick? i have found answer on when element poping out can placed outside of div in case i'm using directive angular-strap library need place inside. i have set plunker illustrate issue (you need full-view see it) : plunker well, since no 1 bothered answer, found answer today, simple. i needed add in attributes : data-container="body" plunker here