.net - Converting XML like document to XML -

i have document close in format xml outside source (i cannot have fixed @ source). software @ 1 point industry standard in hands of whole lot of our users, , replacing these system cost our users big bucks. won't it. document comes in formatted xml, in scenarios document has invalid text in innertext of of elements. 1 such example <=>. i'm finding these in places have been texts fields input user, , source application did not clean @ time of generation of xml document.

i have .net application reading document xmlreader object. in cases succeeds, because in cases document valid xml document. if document isn't xml document throws exception obvious reasons.

does know of way convert document xml before load? or else there way make xmlreader handle errors more gracefully? data prevents document being valid xml document not important me , thrown away. important me formatted valid xml.

the other system not giving xml. don't think of invalid xml, or xml, or xml has errors in it. think of yxq. if sending data in format yxq, need first hold of (or write) specification of ehat yxq is, need write parser it, perhaps parser translates xml. perhaps yxq similar enough language existing parser tagsoup or validator.nu process; try , see, assuming have large enough sample of yxq make tests meaningful.

alternatively, there's standard interchange format many people use, called xml. has great advantage parsers exist, on every conceivable platform. people save great deal of money using it. why not suggest data supplier? might find acquire more customers.


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