three.js - How do you connect a geometry to two moving vertices -

i have created box geometries in threejs app , have drawn cylinder center of 1 center of using code below:

function cylindermesh(pointx, pointy, material) {     var direction = new three.vector3().subvectors(pointy, pointx);     var orientation = new three.matrix4();     orientation.lookat(pointx, pointy, new three.object3d().up);     orientation.multiply(new three.matrix4(1, 0, 0, 0,                                            0, 0, 1, 0,                                            0, -1, 0, 0,                                            0, 0, 0, 1));     var edgegeometry = new three.cylindergeometry(2, 2, direction.length(), 8, 1);     var edge = new three.mesh(edgegeometry, material);     edge.applymatrix(orientation);     edge.position.x = (pointy.x + pointx.x) / 2;     edge.position.y = (pointy.y + pointx.y) / 2;     edge.position.z = (pointy.z + pointx.z) / 2;     return edge; }  scene.add(cylindermesh(vertex1, vertex2, globalmaterial)); 

my question is: how keep cylinder "connected" 2 vertices provide if move?

i don't want use three.line because can't control width of line , have noticed weird issues clipping if camera gets close.

any ideas?


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