jQuery FullCalendar object doens't support property or method qtip -

the jquery fullcalendar plugin throws qtip error in ie versions 10 , below causing not show:

object doesn't support property or method 'qtip'

chrome, firefox, , ie11 don't seem throw error in console. i've done several google searches document known issue have not found concrete solution.

it suggested older versions of ie may not load library , add set timeout function make work did not seem help

i have include following js file in page in order: jquery-1.9.1.js, fullcalendar.min.js, jquery.qtip.min.js , necessary css files include well.

the error thrown on qtip function here:

var tooltip = $('<div/>').qtip({             id: 'fullcalendar',             prerender: true,             content: {                 text: ' ',                 title: {                     button: true                 }             },             position: {                 my: 'bottom center',                 at: 'top center',                 target: 'mouse',                 viewport: $('#fullcalendar'),                 adjust: {                     mouse: false,                     scroll: false                 }             },             show: false,             hide: false,             style: {                 classes: 'qtip-plain qtip-shadow'             }         }).qtip('api'); 

any suggestions appreciated - thanks!

it works me loading following scripts:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/fullcalendar/lib/cupertino/jquery-ui.min.css" media="screen" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.css" media="screen" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/qtip/jquery.qtip.css" />  <script src="/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script> <script src="/fullcalendar/lib/moment.min.js"></script> <script src="/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.min.js"></script> <script src="/qtip/jquery.qtip.js"></script> 

and configuring fullcalendar this, adding qtip inside eventrender:

<script> jquery(document).ready( function($) {     $('#calendar').fullcalendar({         header: { /* config */ },         events: function ( start, end, timezone, callback ) { /* config */ },         eventrender: function ( event, element )          {             element.qtip({                  content: {                     text: event.title                 },                 position: {                     target: 'mouse',                     adjust: {                          x: 10,                          y: 10,                          mouse: false                      }                 }              });         }     }); }); </script> 


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