visual studio 2010 - Connect to informix database windows form application -

i trying figure out how connect ibm informix database. have been doing research , have found threads 5 years ago examples not working.

i have installed latest sdk ibm informix.

i have included references in project.

i have included using;

i adding button , on click testing conenction. debug error "sql0035n file "c:\users\adam\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\test\test\msg\en_us\db2nmp.xml" cannot opened."

this file not exist , dont see anywhere in program files (x86)\ibm informix client sdk directory.

my on click code is

    private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         const string host = "192.168.obfuscated";         const string servicenum = "1525"; //port?         const string server = "serverobfuscated";         const string database = "dbobfuscatedy";         const string user = "myusername";         const string password = "mypassword";          string connectionstring = "host=" + host + "; " +          "service=" + servicenum + "; " +          "server=" + server + "; " +          "database=" + database + "; " +          "user id=" + user + "; " +          "password=" + password + "; ";          ifxconnection conn = new ifxconnection();         conn.connectionstring = connectionstring;         try         {   ;   "made connection!");         }         catch (ifxexception ex)         {   "problem connection attempt: " + ex.message);         }     } 

anyone know doing wrong or current best way connect informix database?

thanks in advance.

check version of informix. need connector compatible version of informix database installed.

check this:


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