javascript - Openlayers errors with clone and setAnimation -

i working on web application, uses javascript , openlayers etc.

i have block of code throws errors @ me time

onselectrow: function(id) {     if (id && id !== lastsel) {         jquery(this).restorerow(lastsel);         lastsel = id - 1;     }     submarkerarray[id - 1] = reportingavlmap.bringtofront(submarkerarray[id - 1]);                              latlonpoint.transform(fromprojection,;,;     submarkerarray[id - 1].setanimation(google.maps.animation.bounce);      settimeout(function() {         submarkerarray[id - 1].setanimation(null);     }, 750); }, 

the following line

var latlonpoint = submarkerarray[id - 1].attributes.lonlat.clone(); 

gives me error:

uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'clone' of undefined 

and following line

submarkerarray[id - 1].setanimation(google.maps.animation.bounce); 

gives me error: uncaught typeerror: undefined not function

can me pointing me in right direction please?


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