Spring Roo 1.2.5 + Oracle database = ORA-00902: invalid datatype -

using oracle 11g express edition database, have simple project using following roo script:

// spring roo 1.2.5.release [rev 8341dc2] log opened @ 2014-09-10 17:06:13 project --toplevelpackage com.example --java 7 --packaging jar --projectname testbug jpa setup --provider hibernate --database oracle --hostname // edits database.properties allow access oracle xe  entity jpa --class ~.domain.abstracttestclass --abstract field string --fieldname stringname entity jpa --class ~.domain.concretetestclass --extends ~.domain.abstracttestclass --testautomatically  // test succeeds perform test field boolean --fieldname testfield // test fails perform test 

the failing test results in following error:

hhh000389: unsuccessful: create table abstract_test_class (dtype varchar2(31) not null, id  number(19,0) not null, string_name varchar2(255), version number(10,0), monkey boolean, primary key (id)) 2014-09-10 17:24:36,534 [main] error org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.schemaexport -  ora-00902: invalid datatype 

this "hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" setting of create-drop , ensuring database clean on test run.

is there datatype other boolean should used in scenario?

the easy way solve specify final column type on property:

   @column(columndefinition="number(1)")    private boolean testfield; 

i found a bug on hibernate-jira it still unresolved.

good luck!


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