- How do you specify the project configuration when publishing to an Azure website from source control? -

i have configured azure website deploy bitbucket mercurial repository. have 1 branch. logs (see below), looks deployment process uses release configuration.

myproject.web -> d:\home\site\repository\myproject.web\bin\myproject.web.dll

transformed web.config using d:\home\site\repository\myproject.web\web.release.config obj\release\transformwebconfig\transformed\web.config.

let's have 3 environments, dev, beta, , prod. have web.config transformations each since may have different connection strings or various other different settings across each environment. how can specify different configuration?

you can create .deployment file in root of repo , put in it

[config] scm_build_args=-p:configuration=debug 

alternatively can specify in site's app settings portal. this:


for more custom deployment settings can refer this


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