How to use API KEY with YouTube in angularjs and list videos in a playlist? -

i want list bunch of videos youtube in mobile app using angularjs. preferrably i'd list videos of user/channels specific playlist.

i've gotten api key google developer console don't understand how , use it. in documentation go on oauth method. tried using example code straight documentation message saying have authenticate first.

i'd appreciate this. how authenticate using api key , secondly how make request videos in playlist.

ps. i'm newbie developer , i'm using angularjs , ionic framework first learning project. i'm fresh out of codeschool's courses in css, jquery, javascript, backbone , angular. ds. thanks!

1. how use api

if want videos of channel need use youtube api v3. use

with parameters :

part=id, snippet channelid=id of channel order=date type=video 

how find id of youtube channel ?

you can find id of channel channel name

more information of right here.

this live demo.

2. javascript ?

  • first, need creat project in
  • enable api youtube api v3 (set on).
  • in credential part, creat public access key.

also if it's public app, may interest : how protect public api key ?

this basic code videos of channel :

<!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src="//"></script>   <meta charset="utf-8">   <title>js bin</title> </head> <body>   <script>  function googleapiclientready() {      var apikey = 'your api key';      gapi.client.setapikey(apikey);     gapi.client.load('youtube', 'v3', function() {          request ={             part: 'snippet',             channelid: 'ucqhnrdqe_fqbdbwsvmt8ctg',             order: 'date',             type: 'video'          });          request.execute(function(response) {                 console.log(response);          });     });  }   </script>     <script src=""></script> </body> </html> 

3. angularjs ?

with angularjs need creat service 'google' example, , can use service in controllers.

an sample example : don't need part authentification. using deferred important in case.

example in controller

'use strict';  function init() {     window.initgapi(); // calls init function defined on window } angular.module('team')     .controller('videosctrl', function ($scope, $window, $sce, googleservice) {          $window.initgapi = function() {             $scope.$apply($scope.getchannel);         };          $scope.getchannel = function () {             googleservice.googleapiclientready().then(function (data) {                 $ = data;             }, function (error) {                 console.log('failed: ' + error)             });         };     }); 

example in service googleservice

.service('googleservice', ['$http', '$q', function ($http, $q) {      var deferred = $q.defer();     this.googleapiclientready = function () {         gapi.client.setapikey('you api key');         gapi.client.load('youtube', 'v3', function() {             var request ={                 part: 'snippet',                 playlistid: 'plila01eyisbjotr8oqxky0i5c1qs6k2mu',                 maxresults: 8             });             request.execute(function(response) {                 deferred.resolve(response.result);             });         });         return deferred.promise;     }; }]) 

you need add line index.html

<script src=""></script> 

hope it's !


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