javascript - Play sound in jquery mobile on different pages -

i need play sound in background repeat time - background music. have added <audio> tag in page html , added event

$("#audio-player").on('ended', function() {   //play again } 

in pageinit event of page. , works, music should continue when navigate other page, , not sure how make this. appreciate help.

you use ajax load new page. use jquery's load() load #content part of new page #content div of current page.


  <header>     <audio controls>       <source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg">     </audio>   </header>    <a href="page2.html">page 2</a>    <div id="content">     page 1 content   </div>  </body> </html> 

javascript / jquery

$('a').click(function(e){   e.preventdefault();   var target = $(this).attr('href');    $('#content').load(target + ' #content'); }); 


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