ios - Is application bundle fully replaced on upgrade from App Store? -

the following use case:

  1. create strings file (not localized) , deploy application test device
  2. localize file (en.lproj or similar), make changes new file , remove original file
  3. deploy application on device

what noticed (always?) application still use old non-localized file. reason apparently file still in somewhere application bundle, though has been removed project. ios's logic if file of specific type looked up, first checks in root of bundle non-localized version, , if doesn't find go deeper localized folders. (is me, or logic kind of backwards? i'm used first looking language specific file, , falling defaults, might java background.)

sometimes (always?) removing app device doesn't either. in case cmd+shift+k, cleans build folder, , after app built , deployed again, correct file used.

a worse problem if such thing leads app crash, strange issues nibs or whatever - have seen well...

the question is: happen if first version of app in apple store had non-localized file, , second version localized it? when user upgrades app, same behavior me during development (i.e. outdated, non-localized file used)?

i can't imagine because think cause of lot of grieving , bug requests, can't tell sure haven't yet published ios app.

if behavior correct when upgrading store, why it? different? files stored locally on computer somewhere , used when deploy?

can share experiences?


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