c++ - Problems adapting member functions in Phoenix -

i use boost_phoenix_adapt_function time in spirit. i'd able adapt member functions of same reason. however, compile errors if this:

struct { int foo(int i) { return 5*i; }};  boost_phoenix_adapt_function(int, afoo, &a::foo, 2) 

is there easy way adapt member function? note can't store bind expression in auto because on vc2008. how come doesn't work in bind , function?



the boost_phoenix_adapt_function(return,lazy_name,func,n)is simple. creates functor templated operator() returns return , has n template parameters. in body invokes func(parameters...). &a::foo not directly callable, , error occurs. can use:


running on coliru

#include <iostream> #include <boost/phoenix.hpp> #include <boost/phoenix/function.hpp> #include <boost/mem_fn.hpp>  struct {     a(int f) : f_(f) {}      int foo(int i) {         return f_*i;     }   private:      int f_; };  boost_phoenix_adapt_function(int,afoo,boost::mem_fn(&a::foo),2)  int main() {     using namespace boost::phoenix;     using namespace boost::phoenix::arg_names;      instance(5);     std::cout << afoo(arg1,arg2)(&instance, 2) << std::endl; } 


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