node.js - Getting assemble-middleware-permalinks working -

i trying assemble-middleware-permalinks working on build, doesn't appear work way want to.

i have following in

assemble:   options:     layout: 'default.hbs'     layoutdir: '<%= %>/_layouts'     partials: '<%= %>/_partials/*.hbs'     plugins: ['assemble-middleware-permalinks']     permalinks:       preset: 'pretty'   pages:     files:       '.tmp/': ['<%= %>/pages/{,*/}*.hbs'] 

however when running grunt assemble task, still shows generating following:

running "assemble:pages" (assemble) task    writing .tmp/about.html   writing .tmp/index.html   assembled 2 files ok 

i have grunt-assemble package installed uses 0.5.0 branch of assemble.

i have tried manually putting in structure instead of using preset:

permalinks:   structure: ':basename/index.html' 

can tell me i'm doing wrong?


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