c# - Calling SignedCMS.Decode takes too long -

is there reason calling signedcms.decode take 15 seconds or more? have following code:

signedcms signedcms = new signedcms(); signedcms.decode(posteddata); 

where posteddata byte array of signed cms message. function call returns instantly, of time, takes 10-15 seconds return causing message sender timeout.

this seems happen whether or not debugger attached process.

so narrowed down instantiation of oid in 1 of functions decode function calls. source available @ reference source .net framework 4.5.1.

i tested using:

system.security.cryptography.oid oid = new system.security.cryptography.oid("1.2.840.113549.1.7.1"); 

i found this link similar problem.

interestingly, disconnecting wireless adapter, oid instantiation occurs immediately, leads me believe may network/dns related (i have not idea oid instantiation doing). after reconnecting adapter signedcms.decode working normal. option read remove computer domain , rejoin. haven't tried yet.

maybe else have same (or similar) problem.


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