render lists on fly using django templates -

in mako, can write following generate dynamic html

<% months=['jan','feb', .. 'dec'] %> <% weeks=['mon','tue',..'sun'] %> % m in months:     % w in weeks:         ${m} ${w}     % endfor % endfor 

whats recommended coding same in django(django templates) without lists coming context variables?

i've used django custom template tag filters under templatetags/

from django import template  register = template.library()  @register.assignment_tag def weekdays():     return ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday'] 

and in template

{% load my_filters %}  {% weekdays w %} {% in w %}     <option value="{{forloop.counter0}}">{{i}}</option> {% endfor %} 


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