javascript - Update new color in Color Picker Palette -

i installed jquery plugin color picker: colpick.js , don't know how set new color circle icon in color palette (after refresh page element's bg changed circle icon in palette still in default color area color:'003a7d .it not updating.)(however,color picker , cookie working well.)

this code: html :

<div id="picker"></div>

js :

    if($.cookie('body_color')) {         $('body,.livebgchanger ul li a').css('background-color', $.cookie('body_color'));             }     else {         $('body,.livebgchanger ul li a').css('background-color', '#003a7d');     }    $('#picker').colpick({     flat:true,     submit:0,     layout:'full',     color:'003a7d', //default color     onchange:function(hsb,hex,rgb,el){         $('body,.livebgchanger ul li a').css('background-color', '#' + hex);         $.cookie('body_color', '#' + hex, { expires: 365 });     }     }); 

before (i choose new color , "body" background-color has changed) : click view image

after refresh page: (body background color has changed circle icon , color in palette in default color area) enter link description here

how can add option , set new color circle icon in palette ?

sorry english. thanks

you're hardcoding default value color picker. should pull cookie value variable , use set background , color picker colors.

var currcolor = $.cookie('body_color') || '#003a7d';  $('body,.livebgchanger ul li a').css('background-color', currcolor);           $('#picker').colpick({     flat: true,     submit: 0,     layout: 'full',     color: currcolor.substring(1), //skip #     onchange: function(hsb, hex, rgb, el) {         $('body,.livebgchanger ul li a').css('background-color', '#' + hex);         $.cookie('body_color', '#' + hex, {             expires: 365         });     } }); 


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