arrays - call_user_func_array passing additional params to method -

in app.php file have this:

for url one: http://mywebroot/myapp/param1/param2

    # leftover in $url, set params, else empty.     $this->params = $url ? array_values($url) : [];      print_r($this->params); // gives me dumped array values should     // can see array ( [0] => param1 [1] => param2 )      // trying pass array controller:     //     //     # call our method requested controller, passing params if method     call_user_func_array([             $this->controller,             $this->method          ], $this->params); // don't worry `$this->controller`,                         // `$this->method` part, end calling method class bellow. 

in controller file have:

class home extends controller {      // here expecting catch params     //     public function index($params = []){          var_dump($params); // gives `string 'param1' (length=6)`? array?           // not relevant question         # request view, providing directory path, , sending along vars         $this->view('home/index', ['name' => $user->name]);      } 

so question is, why in controller dont have $params array, first element of array. if instead do:

    public function index($param1, $param2){ 

i have of them, want flexibility in terms of how many of params get.

you want use call_user_func not call_user_func_array

call_user_func takes first parameter callable , rest send parameters function. while call_user_func_array expects 2 parameters - first 1 callable second 1 array parameters of called function. see following example:

function my_func($one, $two = null) {     var_dump($one);     var_dump($two); }  call_user_func('my_func', array('one', 'two')); call_user_func_array('my_func', array('one', 'two')); 

first (call_user_func) dump:

array(2) { [0]=> string(3) "one" [1]=> string(3) "two" } null 

while call_user_func_array result in:

string(3) "one" string(3) "two"  

hope helps


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