Is "GMT" an Abbreviation in Java TimeZone and if So is it OK to use it? -

according javadoc timezone...

id - id timezone, either abbreviation such "pst", full name such "america/los_angeles", or custom id such "gmt-8:00". note support of abbreviations jdk 1.1.x compatibility , full names should used.

the important point being...

an abbreviation such "pst" , note support of abbreviations jdk 1.1.x compatibility , full names should used.

does mean "gmt-0:00" ok "gmt" should avoided or "gmt" not considered abbreviation?

similar other question trying make more specific.

just looked @ source code. if read correctly, gettimezone(string id) calls private method called parsecustomtimezone, checks if id starts gmt , returns null otherwise in case gettimezone falls default timezone gmt+ 0. things utc, pst, etc. supported in zoneinfo, sun internal class. can list available timezones javadoc mentions. here's bits of code relevant in timezone:

public static synchronized timezone gettimezone(string id) {     return gettimezone(id, true); } ... private static timezone gettimezone(string id, boolean fallback) {     timezone tz = zoneinfo.gettimezone(id);     if (tz == null) {         tz = parsecustomtimezone(id);         if (tz == null && fallback) {             tz = new zoneinfo(gmt_id, 0);         }     }     return tz; } ... private static final timezone parsecustomtimezone(string id) {     int length;      // error if length of id isn't long enough or id doesn't     // start "gmt".     if ((length = id.length()) < (gmt_id_length + 2) ||         id.indexof(gmt_id) != 0) {         return null;     }     ... 

if on java 8, pretty want not use , instead use new time api. otherwise, use joda time.


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