Angularjs state resolve before controller -

i know question gets asked lot, , have read bunch of stackoverflow questions on topic nothing seems fix issue. please show me how being idiot.

using angular 1.3.0.

here state:

.state('', {   url: '/edit/:cardid',   views: {     cards: {       templateurl: 'tpl/cards.edit.html',       controller: 'admincardeditctrl',       resolve: {         data: ['$stateparams', 'admincardservice',           function ($stateparams, admincardservice) {             var cardid = $stateparams.cardid;             admincardservice.getcard(cardid).then(function (data) {               return data;             });           }         ]       }     }   },   access: { auth: true, admin: true } }) 

here controller:

.controller('admincardeditctrl', ['$scope', '$window', 'admincardservice', 'data',    function ($scope, $window, admincardservice, data) {     console.log(data);   } ); 

here part of service:

.factory('admincardservice', function ($http, $q) {   return {     ...     getcard: function (_id) {       var d = $q.defer();       var promise = $'/api/card', { _id: _id }).success(function (data) {         d.resolve(data);       });       return d.promise;     },     ...   }; }); 

the data never gets passed controller , console.log outputs "undefined". if console.log data in state or in service, working expected. doing wrong people?

just return result of admincardservice in router. router handle 'then' callback , send result of controller:

resolve: {         data: ['$stateparams', 'admincardservice',           function ($stateparams, admincardservice) {             var cardid = $stateparams.cardid;             return admincardservice.getcard(cardid);;           }         ]       } 


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