python - Unable to get lock on /var/lib/dpkg/lock when trying to execute $: salt \* pkg.install vim -
i using salt stack development of scm. have connected master minion , following command works successfully.
$: salt \*
now, trying execute following command.
$: salt \* pkg.install vim
to install vim on minion using master, when execute command on master, getting following error
[info ] user sudo_user1 executing command pkg.install jid 20140910191537152620 [debug ] command details {'tgt_type': 'glob', 'jid': '20140910191537152620', 'tgt': '*', 'ret': '', 'user': 'sudo_user1', 'arg': ['vim'], 'fun': 'pkg.install'} [info ] starting new job pid 5762 [info ] executing command "dpkg-query --showformat='${status} ${package} ${version} ${architecture}\n' -w" in directory '/home/cybage' [info ] executing command ['apt-get', '-q', '-y', '-o', 'dpkg::options::=--force-confold', '-o', 'dpkg::options::=--force-confdef', 'install', 'vim'] in directory '/home/user1' [error ] command ['apt-get', '-q', '-y', '-o', 'dpkg::options::=--force-confold', '-o', 'dpkg::options::=--force-confdef', 'install', 'vim'] failed return code: 100 [error ] output: e: not lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: resource temporarily unavailable) e: unable lock administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), process using it? [info ] executing command "dpkg-query --showformat='${status} ${package} ${version} ${architecture}\n' -w" in directory '/home/cybage' [info ] returning information job: 20140910191537152620 [debug ] decrypting current master aes key [debug ] loaded minion key: /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion.pem
both master , minion ubuntu 14.04. please let me know if has faced similar issue or missing here. help.
usually means process doing package manager, hence lock notification. apt-get install vim work on command line?
do error every time run salt command?
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