javascript - GMail API access from chrome extension? 403 Forbidden -

i have application accesses google apis out of chrome extension via workflow outlined here.

chrome extensions oauth tutorial

the basics of workflow initialize oauth flow

var oauth = chromeexoauth.initbackgroundpage({     'request_url': '',     'authorize_url': '',     'access_url': '',     'consumer_key': '{my_client_id}',     'consumer_secret': '{my_client_secret}',     'scope': '',     'app_name': 'gmail plugin',     'callback_page': 'src/google-oauth/chrome_ex_oauth.html' }); 

upon installing extension, user taken dialog page authenticate , agree scopes ask for. here infer consumer key , secret ok. have allowed access gmail, contacts, , admin sdk in google developers console.

prior had requests working contacts api , admin sdk api. i'm trying add features utilize gmail rest api.

the next step in setting request make request background page.

function getsentemails() {   var emailcollection;    var url = "";   var request = {     'method': 'get',     'parameters': {       'labelids': 'sent'     }   };   var callback = function(response, xhr) {     emailcollection = json.parse(response);     console.dir(emailcollection);   }    oauth.sendsignedrequest(url, callback, request); }; 

the way signed requests work call method complete next step of oauth dance,

oauth.authorize(function() {     getsentemails();   }); 

this results in 403 forbidden every time. seem have no issue accessing other apis mentioned though oauth flow. i've allowed scope in manifest.json


  "permissions": [     "tabs",     "storage",     "*",     "*",     "*",     "*",     "*",     "*",     "*",     "",     "",     ""   ] 

i tried alternate method of building http request outlined in link above.

function stringify(parameters) {   var params = [];   for(var p in parameters) {     params.push(encodeuricomponent(p) + '=' +                 encodeuricomponent(parameters[p]));   }   return params.join('&'); }; function xhrgetsentemails() {     var method = 'get';     var url = '';     var params = {'labelids': 'sent'};     var callback = function(resp, xhr) {       console.log(resp);     }     var xhr = new xmlhttprequest();     xhr.onreadystatechange = function(data) {       callback(xhr, data);     };, url + '?' + stringify(params), true);      xhr.setrequestheader('authorization', oauth.getauthorizationheader(url, method, params));     xhr.send();   } 

i same 403 doing this.

i believe i'm authenticating though, because if change

xhr.setrequestheader('authorization', oauth.getauthorizationheader(url, method, params)); 


xhr.setrequestheader('authorization','foo' + oauth.getauthorizationheader(url, method, params)); 

i 401 unauthorized instead.

again, no trouble accessing other apis mentioned.

any input appreciated.

this question obscure, i'll share how ended resolving it.

i moved chrome extensions oauth 2.0 workflow newer (since chrome 29) chrome.identity setup apps , extensions.

detailed instructions setting oauth 2.0 extension here.

chrome identity api user authentication

now can use

chrome.identity.getauthtoken(function(token) {   // http api call token }); 

and none of http requests come forbidden (403) anymore.

hope helpful extension builders out there!


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