delphi - TTaskBar - Show another form with TaskBarButtons -

i use delphi xe6 : create taskbarbutton in taskbar. button linked on action make :


the form2 showing without focus. , sometimes, complex form, new form appears behind application , have click anywhere see it.

why haven't focus on new form created taskbutton ? (if click on simple button, new form have focus).

code in mainform :

unit unit1;  interface  uses, winapi.messages, system.sysutils, system.variants, system.classes,,   vcl.controls, vcl.forms, vcl.dialogs, unit2, system.actions, vcl.actnlist,, vcl.taskbar;  type   tform1 = class(tform)     actionlist1: tactionlist;     action1: taction;     taskbar1: ttaskbar;     procedure action1execute(sender: tobject);   private     { déclarations privées }   public     { déclarations publiques }   end;  var   form1: tform1;  implementation  {$r *.dfm}  procedure tform1.action1execute(sender: tobject); var    formtest : tform2; begin    try       //self.enabled := false;       formtest := tform2.create(nil);       formtest.showmodal;;       //self.enabled := true;    end; end;  end. 

tform2 new form component.


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