find -mindepth -prune conflict? -

i have dir structure like:

gameplay/ch1_of_182/ gameplay/ch1_of_182/ gameplay/ch1_of_182/ gameplay/ch1_of_182/ gameplay/ch1_of_182/ gameplay/ch1_of_182/ gameplay/ch2_of_182/ gameplay/ch2_of_182/ gameplay/ch2_of_182/ gameplay/ch2_of_182/ gameplay/ch2_of_182/ gameplay/ch2_of_182/ ... gameplay/ch182_of_182/ gameplay/ch182_of_182/ gameplay/ch182_of_182/ gameplay/ch182_of_182/ gameplay/ch182_of_182/ gameplay/ch182_of_182/ 

created using wget. want delete of directories , files contain except 2 directories "" in name.

i have been trying different variants of:

find . -mindepth 2 ! -path "*" -prune -exec rm -r {} \; 

but without luck.

when run gameplay parent dir, 4 of 6 directories in each of 182 directories (actually using 1 testing purposes) not contain "" name pattern deleted along contents, desired. , although 2 directories contain "" name pattern left undeleted, files contained within each deleted, not good.

i thought -prune option supposed let find know ignore directory specified, must specifying wrong, because not happening, leaving me 2 empty directories in each of 182 parent dirs.

i think there potential conflict -mindepth , -prune options, because running command gameplay parent directory, without 182 child directories, each containing 2 directories want left in tact, deleted.

i guess write for loop cycle thru each dir, seems me find should able accomplish task in 1 foul swoop if doesn't mind shedding light how.

logically, find . -mindepth 2 \( ! -path "*" \) -a \( -prune \) -a \( -exec rm -r {} \; \)

so since -prune comes after path check, it's never gotten if path check false. try switching order.

find . -mindepth 2 -prune ! -path "*" -exec rm -r {} \; 


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