javascript - How to inject $http in ng-route templateUrl funcion? -

this question has answer here:

my web application has many views(templates) , there no static pattern composed templateurl route parameters. considering flexibility update routes, stores routing table in sql server , create restful web service retrieve&update route-template records. however, find no way call $http , $rootscope in angularjs during configuration phrase.

i understand .config happens before .run in angularjs. in configuration, can access constant , providers. since i'm using templateurl function, function body called @ run time. wondering if there's way inject $http , $rootscope in templateurl function executed @ run phrase...

angular.module('app', ['ngroute']).config(['$routeprovider',           function ($routeprovider) {              $routeprovider.                     when('/:param1/:param2/:param3',                     { templateurl: function(element){                       // $http routing table restful api                       // store table $rootscope                       // table param1+param2+param3 key, template url                        return templateurlfromtable ;                     }}).                      otherwise({redirectto: '/'});          }]) 

i'm new angularjs, other suggestion welcome. also, please correct me if understanding wrong. thanks.

some alternatives dynamic routing discussed on thread:

angularjs dynamic routing

other alternative solution render routing configuration dinamically on server side explained on article:


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