php - why ajax call behaves strange in similar situation? -
i'm using ajax call in login.php twice , call ajax.php 2 different parameter:
$(function() { $("#slctsys").focusin(function() { $.get("ajax.php" ,{sysuser:$("#sysuser").val(), sysupw:$("#syspswd").val()} ,function(data1) {$("#slctsys").html(data1); }); }) .change(function() { $.get("ajax.php" ,{sysid:$("#slctsys").val()} ,function(data2) {$("#divurl").text(data2);}); }); });
<?php include_once('function.php'); if (isset($_get['sysuser'])) { $c=sysselectdb('sysdb'); $sysinfo=$c->prepare('select sysname sysinfo sysuun = "'.$_get['sysuser'].'" , sysupw = "'.$_get['sysupw'].'"'); $sysinfo->execute(); $ijk='<option value=-1>select ...</option>'; if ($sysinfo->rowcount()>0) { while ($data = $sysinfo->fetch(pdo::fetch_assoc)) { $ijk.='<option value='.$data['sysid'].'>'.$data['sysname'].'</option>'; }} else { $ijk='<option value=-1>no access !!!</option>'; } $sysinfo->closecursor(); $c=null; echo $ijk; } if (isset($_get['sysid'])) { $c=sysselectdb('sysdb'); $s='select * sysacss sysid='.$_get['sysid']; $sysinfo=$c->prepare($s); $sysinfo->execute(); if ($sysinfo->rowcount()==1) { $data=$sysinfo->fetch(pdo::fetch_assoc); $retval=implode("#;#",$data); } $sysinfo->closecursor(); $c=null; echo '$retvalsalam'; }
i include function.php inside of ajax.php see:
<!doctype html> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=content-type> <link href="/sysdb/resource/sysstyle.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src ="/sysdb/resource/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script> <script> function timer() { var ct=new date(); var ch=ct.gethours(); var cm=ct.getminutes(); var cs=ct.getseconds(); return (ch<10?"0":"")+ch+(cm<10?":0":":")+cm+(cs<10?":0":":")+cs; }
on first ajax call retrived data ok. in second, function.php pre append returned value. why?
i find solution based on issue @mstannu. u r right. use ob_start() before , ob_end_clean() after include function. , problem solved. think second call pre append include file output, both of ajax calls have same behavior. tnx.
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