java - Play framework + ebean: Nested models are being saved as null -

i think simple problem: have 2 models, example;

@entity case class user(name: string, email: string) extends model {   @id   var id: int = 0 } 

and then;

@entity case class task(   subject: string,    body: string,    @manytoone   user: user) extends model {   @id   var id: int = 0 } 

what see when fetch tasks database (find().all()), see user = null tasks, while debugging, if set breakpoint @, see user field of instance correctly set.

what's wrong this?

thanks @salem, basically, link pointed out him suffices know going on – , can bit confusing.

what did define getter/setter references; in task do;

@entity case class task (subject: string, body: string) {   val userid: int = 0   // setter   def user_= (user: user) = userid =   // getter   def user:user = {     user.find().byid(userid) // ensure find() defined in companion object   } } 


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