compilation - VBA error when opening spreadhseet "Compile error" -

i have spreadsheet using value in cell d11 (value in d11 derived combobox1) of sheet "inputform" create list combobox74 on same sheet value in d11 matches values in column of sheet "ps_group_level". in ps_group_level sheet there duplicate values in column , unique values in column d. populate combobox list unique values column d there corresponding match column a.

hopefully i've explained scenario enough. code i'm using , works great, receiving error upon opening workbook. - "compile error: method or data member not found". i've checked names of comboboxes , sheet names correct, used new boxes different names , same result. vba editor highlighting code clearing combobox74

please help! thanks!

private sub combobox1_change()  'finds value ps type , ps area box1val = thisworkbook.sheets("inputform").range("d11")  'loop through col find last row lr = thisworkbook.sheets("ps_group_level").cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row  'clear combobox ps type , ps area override me.combobox74.clear  ' loop through x = 2 lr     if box1val = thisworkbook.sheets("ps_group_level").cells(x, 1)         combobox74         'add combobox ps type , ps area override         .additem thisworkbook.sheets("ps_group_level").cells(x, 4)         end     end if next x end sub 


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