linux - GridGain 6.2.0 / 6.2.1 : too many file descriptors open -

after upgrading gridgain 6.2.0, on mac , linux "too many open files" exceptions when running our junit test case suite. individual test cases run fine on their. these errors when run entire suite. has changed in number of files gridgain keeps open in 6.2.x? here example of exception on mac (on linux, error similar stems nio package). increasing open file limit addresses on os resolves issue issue bug or additional upgrade item noted?


[2014-09-10 12:02:49,396] error gridtcpdiscoveryspi - failed accept tcp connection on mac os may have many file descriptors open (simple restart solves issue) [] invalid argument @ method) @ @ @ @ org.gridgain.grid.spi.discovery.tcp.gridtcpdiscoveryspi$tcpserver.body( @ 

from version of gridgain upgrading 6.2.1? error caused shared memory communication between nodes on 1 host. can fixed increasing open files limit in operation system, or switching shared memory off. can check if exception reproduced without shared memory? switch off configure communication spi this:

<property name="communicationspi">     <bean class="org.gridgain.grid.spi.communication.tcp.gridtcpcommunicationspi">         <property name="sharedmemoryport" value="-1"/>     </bean> </property> 


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