javascript - Meteor this.params._id is undefined based upon ":_id?" -

i have game know works id per code on client side. example if use below {{game._id}} works properly: = function() {     return gamecollection.findone({current: true}); };  

however, trying gain access publications of 'submissions; specific game id. console log below returns undefined.


this.route('gamepage', {      path: '/games/:_id?',      waiton: function() {          console.log(this.params._id);          return [              meteor.subscribe('randomquestions',,              meteor.subscribe('submissions', this.params._id)              ];      }     }); 

i suspect params._id pulls games/:_id, however, that remains games/:_id? not have unnecessary long address.

any thoughts on why getting undefined params._id

i think have 1 button access game, example...

tracker.autorun(function () {   session.set('gamecurrent'); });  template.gamepage.helpers({    allgames: function(){      return gamecollection.find({});    },    getcurrentgame:function(){      return session.get('gamecurrent');    }  })  // action access route id specified{  'click button#game' : function(event,template){     session.set('gamecurrent',this._id);     router.go('editemail',{_id:this._id})   } }) 

remember session works in client.


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