ruby on rails - Even Empty application does not execute in Heroku app -

i tried search types of answers didnt . first tried solve . sqlite -v 1.3.9 probelm adding

group:development, :test    gem 'sqlite3' end  group :production, :staging    gem 'pg'    gem 'rails_12factor' end 

and removed pg problem installing -v . again got warnings install rails factor can see in last config file above. still page not exist in heroku page . empty application following michael hartls chapter 1. im new dont find perfect place find required code .

i cant attach log here :/.

edit : log file below

you haven't set root route yet.

actioncontroller::routingerror (no route matches [get] "/"):

in tutorial following, mentioned application won't work on heroku @ point of time. application should work once add root route application @ later stages in tutorial.


if want make work now, add root route follows:

add config/routes.rb

root 'welcome#index' 

add app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb

class welcomecontroller < applicationcontroller   def index     render text: "hello world"   end end 


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