maven - Documentum xCP - Failed to start webby at port 8888 -

i using xcpdesigner 2.1 in order build documentum xcp 2.1 application. seems uses maven eclipse m2e-webby plugin. unable start preview mode. nothing happens within ui of designer. in logs can find

error [tworker-4] [] failed start webby @ port 8888 org.eclipse.core.runtime.coreexception: exception occurred executing command line.     @ org.eclipse.debug.core.debugplugin.exec(     @ org.eclipse.jdt.launching.abstractvmrunner.exec(     @     @ org.sonatype.m2e.webby.internal.launch.webbylaunchdelegate.launchembedded(     @ org.sonatype.m2e.webby.internal.launch.webbylaunchdelegate.launch(     @ org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.launchconfiguration.launch(     @ org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.launchconfiguration.launch(     @ org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.launchconfiguration.launch(     @     @     @ caused by: cannot run program "c:\xcpdocumentum\xcpdesigner\jre\bin\javaw.exe" (in directory "c:\xcpdocumentum\xcpdesigner\applications\test_two\test_two\target\m2e-webby"): createprocess error=206, filename or extension long     @ java.lang.processbuilder.start(     @ java.lang.runtime.exec(     @ org.eclipse.debug.core.debugplugin.exec(     ... 10 more caused by: createprocess error=206, filename or extension long     @ java.lang.processimpl.create(native method)     @ java.lang.processimpl.<init>(     @ java.lang.processimpl.start(     @ java.lang.processbuilder.start(     ... 12 more 

there discussion in support forum no updates month now. don't have experience plugin. clue configuration options plugin , hints specific error message highly appreciated.

i migrated xcpdesigner environment , didn't face issue. environment pretty same, os win 7. emc /o\


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