java - How to setup basic authentication in Websphere 8.5 console? -

how setup basic authentication in websphere 8.5 console?

i've setup basic authentication on tomcat.

my web.xml looks -

<security-constraint>     <web-resource-collection>         <web-resource-name>my manager</web-resource-name>         <url-pattern>/rest/logintopropmanager</url-pattern>         <http-method>get</http-method>     </web-resource-collection>     <auth-constraint>         <description>let administrator login</description>         <role-name>propertymanageradmin</role-name>     </auth-constraint> </security-constraint>  <security-role>    <role-name>propertymanageradmin</role-name> </security-role>  <login-config>   <auth-method>basic</auth-method>   <realm-name>admin</realm-name> </login-config> 

in tomcat, i've following configuration -

<role rolename="propertymanageradmin"/> <user username="admin1234" password="xxxx" roles="propertymanageradmin"/> 

i trying setup on websphere 8.5 , confusing lot of screens. not find articles on this. can please help?

to enable application security, administrative security must enabled. design. can have administrative security without application security, not other way around.

by default has administrative security enabled, when installed (unless you've changed that). basic configuration use federated repository file registry configured. able add users , groups via console. , map defined users roles described in comments.

in production environments there ldap registry included in federtated, in case don't add users, taken ldap.

for more info on security check websphere application server v7.0 security guide redbook (its v7, of information applies v8.x also, screens might bit different.


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