How to Compress/Decompress payload in Mule and get back original payload -

i doing sort of poc mule gzip compressor , de-compressor.. mule flow following

<flow name="gzipcompress" doc:name="gzipflow1">   <file:inbound-endpoint path="e:\backup\test" responsetimeout="10000" doc:name="file">     <file:filename-regex-filter pattern="anirban.doc" casesensitive="false"/>    </file:inbound-endpoint>   <string-to-byte-array-transformer doc:name="string byte array"/>  <gzip-compress-transformer/>   <file:outbound-endpoint path="e:\backup\test\ss" responsetimeout="10000" doc:name="file"/>  </flow>     <flow name="gzipuncompress" doc:name="gzipflow2">     <file:inbound-endpoint path="e:\backup\test\ss" responsetimeout="10000" doc:name="file">          <file:filename-regex-filter pattern="anirban.doc" casesensitive="false"/>    </file:inbound-endpoint>    <gzip-uncompress-transformer />   <byte-array-to-string-transformer />    <file:outbound-endpoint path="e:\backup\test\ss\new folder" responsetimeout="10000" doc:name="file"/> </flow> </mule> 

now issue have file anirban.doc around 80.0 kb before compression .. when put file in folder compression, file inbound of gzipcompress flow picks , compress .. after compression file size gets around 20 kb fine .. when try uncompress file using gzipuncompress flow , file in output folder of file outbound endpoint gzipuncompress flow .. , time called uncompress file of size 96.0 kb .. , when try open file binary format .. question how can uncompressed file same original file size , can open , read , not in binary form same original content .. right way compressing , decompressing file/payload ..

if remove string-to-byte-array-transformer (which useless , counter productive: keep bytes as possible), gzipcompress works fine: creates valid gzipped file in output dir.


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