Does GridGain support SSL connection between each cluster member? -

does gridgain support ssl connection between each cluster member? if yes, can show me how that?

thanks, bill

gridgain supports ssl client connections (gridgain provides .net , c++ thin clients), not communication between nodes.

to enable ssl client connections, configure server nodes this:

<bean id="grid.cfg" class="org.gridgain.grid.gridconfiguration">     <!-- enable rest. -->     <property name="restenabled" value="true"/>      <!-- client connection configuration. -->     <property name="clientconnectionconfiguration">         <bean class="org.gridgain.grid.gridclientconnectionconfiguration">             <!-- enable ssl. -->             <property name="resttcpsslenabled" value="true"/>              <!-- provide ssl context factory (required). -->             <property name="resttcpsslcontextfactory">                 <bean class="org.gridgain.client.ssl.gridsslbasiccontextfactory">                     <property name="keystorefilepath" "keystore/server.jks"/>                     <property name="keystorepassword" value="123456"/>                     <property name="truststorefilepath" "keystore/trust.jks"/>                     <property name="truststorepassword" value="123456"/>                 </bean>             </property>         </bean>     </property> </bean> 

you need provide ssl context factory on client configuration.


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