angularjs - Angular Translate Use with Directive -
here's fiddle link .... trying update content of directive $translate , using controller. there other generic way same thing(link in directive?? ) .if want use same directive in 1 controller approach might not work. how can rid of controllers ?
<terms-conditions conditions="conditions" checked="checked"></terms-conditions> <br> <button class="btn-primary" ng-disabled="!checked" >submit</button> <hr> </div> <div name="info" ng-controller="myctrl2"> <terms-conditions conditions="conditions" checked="checked"></terms-conditions> <br> <button class="btn-primary" ng-disabled="!checked">submit</button> <hr> </div> </div>
js file
var demo = angular.module('demo', ['pascalprecht.translate']); demo.directive("termsconditions",function(){ return { restrict:"e", scope:{ conditions:'=', checked:'=' }, template: "<div class='terms row'><span class='col-md-12'>{{conditions}}</span></div><br><input type='checkbox' ng-model='checked'><span>yes, agree terms , condtions</span>" } }); demo.config(function ($translateprovider) { $translateprovider.translations('en', { product_name: 'name', terms_conditions:"terms & conditions", other_terms_conditions: 'other terms & conditions', agreement: 'yes, agree terms , condtions ', }); $translateprovider.preferredlanguage('en'); }) demo.controller("myctrl1", function ($scope, $translate) { $translate('terms_conditions') .then(function (translatedvalue) { $scope.conditions = translatedvalue; }); }) demo.controller("myctrl2", function ($scope, $translate) { $translate('other_terms_conditions') .then(function (translatedvalue) { $scope.conditions = translatedvalue; }); })
span { font-weight:bold; } .terms{font-weight: normal; width: 500px; height: 50px; overflow-y: scroll; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: #666666; border-width: 1px;}
there's no reason can't use $translate provider in directive. inject dependency. if want remove responsibility controller triggering translation, can use put attributes in html.
example (not tested, close should work):
the html (generalize directive use attribute , use whatever markup want per translated element)
<div translated="terms_conditions">{{text}}</div>
the directive (create new scope, use translate service, , bind whatever value put in translated attribute)
demo.directive("translated",['$translate', '$scope', function($translate, $scope){ return { restrict:"aec", scope:true, link: function(scope, el, attr){ $scope.text = ''; $translate('terms_conditions') .then(function (translatedvalue) { $scope.conditions = translatedvalue; }); } } ]);
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