Excel VBA, Invalid Qualifier, Array.Rank -

in below code, nx = xmat.rank returns error "invalid qualifier." why? i'm using excel 2010's built-in vba editor:

public function polyreg(byref x() double, byref y() double) double()   ' =============================   dim nx, ny, i, j integer   dim xmat() double   nx = ubound(x)   ny = ubound(y)   redim xmat(1 nx, 1 order)   ' =============================   = 1 order     j = 1 nx       xmat(j, i) = 1     next j   next   ' =============================   nx = xmat.rank   ' =============================   polyreg = y   ' ============================= end function 

i looked @ few related posts failed address concern:

invalid qualifier string.add in outlook vba


invalid or unqualified reference

i have not found answer question in excel's vba documentation.

i'm not vb expert. if answer below incorrect, please notify me:

visual basic <> visual basic applications (excel)... hard lesson me learn. array.rank function exists in vb does not exist in vba (excel). what. a. shame.

i'm tempted ask question similar answer, because know confound other programmers unfamiliar vb , vba. there policy against asking questions know answer? (topic of theoretical question: try/catch? vb. vba (excel) uses on error.)


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