Android Location Manager cant fetch the location ? -

using sort of code location of current gps positon ...

public double[] showcurrentlocation() {     double[] gps = new double[2];;     try {         location location = locationmanager                 .getlastknownlocation(getbestprovider());         if (location != null) {             gps[0] = (location.getlatitude());             gps[1] = (location.getlongitude());              log.d("-------------- >>> latitude", "--"+gps[0]);             log.d("-------------- >>>  longitude", "--"+gps[1]);           }     } catch (exception e) {         toast.maketext(context, "enable location", toast.length_long)                 .show();     }      log.d("-------------- >>> latitude", "--"+gps[0]);     log.d("-------------- >>>  longitude", "--"+gps[1]);     return gps; }  public string getbestprovider() {     locationmanager = (locationmanager) context             .getsystemservice(context.location_service);     criteria criteria = new criteria();     criteria.setpowerrequirement(criteria.no_requirement);     criteria.setaccuracy(criteria.no_requirement);     string bestprovider = locationmanager.getbestprovider(criteria, true);     return bestprovider; } 

but not getting value instead catch block printing "enable location" here ...

need immediate help.


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