rest - How to integrate Swagger with Maven + Java + Jersey +Tomcat -

i can't seem understand how integrate swagger generate api documentation. url: ####:8080/myservice/rest/users/getall
have added annotations code , dependency.
try visit: ####:8080/myservice/rest/ says not found.


     <servlet>      <servlet-name>mycompany-users-serlvet</servlet-name>      <servlet-class>com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.servletcontainer</servlet-class>      <init-param>       <param-name></param-name>       <param-value>,com.wordnik.swagger.jersey.listing</param-value>     </init-param> `     <servlet>   <servlet-name>jerseyjaxrsconfig</servlet-name>   <servlet-class>com.wordnik.swagger.jersey.config.jerseyjaxrsconfig</servlet-class>   <init-param>     <param-name>api.version</param-name>     <param-value>1.0.0</param-value>   </init-param>   <init-param>     <param-name>swagger.api.basepath</param-name>     <param-value>####:8080/myservice/rest/</param-value> //not sure should be?   </init-param>   <load-on-startup>2</load-on-startup>` 

provided have correctly copied files project (directory dist must copied src/main/webapp), can access api documentation on http://.../myservice/index.html. don't forget modify index.html swagger knows load api docs:

window.swaggerui = new swaggerui({     url: "http://localhost:8080/myservice/rest/api-docs", 

the api base path in web.xml must set http://.../myservice/rest if rest application path have defined in implementation of class using annotation @applicationpath.

here example of (i don't use web.xml configuration):

@applicationpath( "api" ) public class myrestapplication extends application {    @override    public set<class<?>> getclasses( )    {        set<class<?>> resources = new hashset<class<?>>( );        resources.add( apilistingresource.class );        resources.add( apideclarationprovider.class );        resources.add( apilistingresourcejson.class );        resources.add( resourcelistingprovider.class );        resources.add( ping.class ); // own resource class        swaggerconfiguration( );        return resources;    }     private void swaggerconfiguration( )    {       swaggerconfig swaggerconfig = new swaggerconfig( );       configfactory.setconfig( swaggerconfig );       swaggerconfig.setapiversion( "0.0.1" );        swaggerconfig.setbasepath( "http://localhost:8080/myservice/api" );       scannerfactory.setscanner( new defaultjaxrsscanner( ) );       classreaders.setreader( new defaultjaxrsapireader( ) );    } } 


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