c# - Problems with passing two models to one view -

i want pass 2 models 1 view using viewmodel

my models :

     public class candidat      {      public int id { set; get; }      public string num_cin    { set; get; }      public icollection<poste> postes { get; set; }      }       public class poste      {      public int id { set; get; }      public string poste_name {set;get}      public list<candidat> candidats {set;get;}       }      public class postecandidatviewmodel       {      public candidat candidat { get; set; }     public poste poste { get; set; }        } 

the controller action :

    [httppost]     public actionresult index( poste poste,string num_cin)     {         if (modelstate.isvalid)         {             var v = (from c in _db.candidats                      c.num_cin == num_cin                      && c.postes.any(p => p.id == poste.id)                      select c)                     .singleordefault();              if (v != null)             {                 return redirecttoaction("inscription", "candidat");             }              else             {                 return redirecttoaction("index", "bureauordre");             }              }         return view(); 

the view :

        @model procrec.models.postecandidatviewmodel          <td>@html.textboxfor(model => model.candidat.num_cin)</td>           <td><p>@html.dropdownlistfor(model => model.poste.id,new             selectlist(viewbag.postes, "id", "intitule_poste"),"choisir le poste")           </p></td> 

my problem linq query not giving result want (but if gave num_cin poste.id values it's work )

so problem num_cin not have valu dropdownlist ...it's having empty value!!!!!!!!!

change post method signature accept model, , access model properties

[httppost] public actionresult index(postecandidatviewmodel model) {   poste poste  = model.poste;   string num_cin = model.candidat.num_cin; 

the reason parameter string num_cin null because @textboxfor(model => model.candidat.num_cin) generates <input type="text" name="candidat.num_cin" ... />which trying map property candidat contains property num_cin. alternatively upi can use

[httppost] public actionresult index( poste poste, [bind(prefix="candidat")]string num_cin) { 

note, if modelstate invalid, need reassign the value of viewbag.postes use in dropdownlistfor()

if (modelstate.isvalid) {   .... } viewbag.postes = // set value here before returning view return view(model); 


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