How to properly use pivot funciton to combine multiple values (or columns) into within one column in SQL Server? -
i have table contains upc, month# , week# these 3 main columns. (screenshot below)
is possible create view or display table groups week numbers 1 column each unique upc there many rows displayed. (example this)
do need use pivot function group grouping sets achieve this?
ms sql server 2008 schema setup:
query 1:
declare @table table (recordid int, upc bigint, monthnumberonpromo int, weeknumberonpromo int) insert @table values (1 , 2529230005 , 1 , 1) , (2 , 2529230005 , 2 , 6), (3 , 2529230005 , 3 , 11) , (4 , 2529230005 , 4 , 15), (5 , 2529230005 , 6 , 22) , (6 , 2529230005 , 7 , 27), (7 , 2529230005 , 8 , 31) , (8 , 2529230005 , 9 , 35), (9 , 2529230007 , 1 , 1) , (10 , 2529230007 , 2 , 6), (11 , 2529230007 , 3 , 11) , (12 , 2529230007 , 4 , 15), (13 , 2529230007 , 6 , 22) , (14 , 2529230007 , 8 , 31), (15 , 2529230007 , 9 , 35) , (16 , 2529230007 , 10 , 38), (17 , 2529230007 , 12 , 51) select * ( select t.upc ,left(datename(month , '1900' + right('00' + cast(t.monthnumberonpromo nvarchar(2)),2) + '01') , 3) [month] ,'yes' value ,stuff((select ',' + cast(weeknumberonpromo nvarchar(10)) @table t.upc = upc xml path(''),type) .value('.','nvarchar(max)'),1,1,'') [week_list] @table t group t.upc ,left(datename(month , '1900' + right('00' + cast(t.monthnumberonpromo nvarchar(2)),2) + '01') , 3) )t pivot (max(value) [month] in ([jan],[feb],[mar],[apr],[may],[jun],[jul],[aug],[sep],[oct],[nov],[dec]) )p
| upc | week_list | jan | feb | mar | apr | may | jun | jul | aug | sep | oct | nov | dec | |------------|--------------------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|--------|-----|--------|-----|-----|--------|--------|--------| | 2529230005 | 1,6,11,15,22,27,31,35 | yes | yes | yes | yes | (null) | yes | yes | yes | yes | (null) | (null) | (null) | | 2529230007 | 1,6,11,15,22,31,35,38,51 | yes | yes | yes | yes | (null) | yes | (null) | yes | yes | yes | (null) | yes |
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