How to remove borders of a portlet added using <liferay:runtime ... /> tag -

i'm trying add custom portlet in jsp using tag, here code:

<liferay-portlet:runtime portletname="customsocialnotifications_war"  /> 

that works fine! portlet showing borders, , need hide them.

i tried overwrite css, removes borders of portal :(

some idea?


pd: i'm using liferay 6.2 ee ;)

you can use attribute available in same tag defaultpreferences

<% stringbundler sb = new stringbundler(); sb.append("<portlet-preferences >"); sb.append("<preference>"); sb.append("<name>"); sb.append("portletsetupshowborders"); sb.append("</name>"); sb.append("<value>"); sb.append("false"); sb.append("</value>"); sb.append("</preference>"); sb.append("</portlet-preferences>"); %>   <liferay-portlet:runtime portletname="customsocialnotifications_war"  defaultpreferences="<%=sb.tostring()%>"/> 


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