c++ - Comparing CString to TCHAR by ==? -

i have cstring pointer , being compared tchar in following way:

if(srttest[i] == _t('\n'))   //do 

where strtest cstring* strtest;

i wonder if correct, considering not tchar-pointer. compiles ok. code old , no 1 seems have complained it, makes me wonder though.

yes, it's ok (assuming strtest valid pointer , i valid index). since strtest cstring*, strtest[i] cstring. , there free operator== overload accepts const cstring& param1 , lpctstr param2 , you'd expect.

the msdn documentation here. second overload 1 matters:

bool operator ==( const cstring& s1, lpctstr s2 ); 

(the documentation out of date , signature see when trace actual code different, effect same)

markransom alerted me fact code compares strtest[i] character rather string. that's still ok, because there operator== overload takes cstring/char. it's not listed in documentation linked to, here's actual code looks in vs2012 version:

friend bool operator==(         _in_ const cstringt& str1,         _in_ xchar ch2) throw()     {         return( (str1.getlength() == 1) && (str1[0] == ch2) );     } 

since it's not listed in outdated documentation, function presumably did not exist. however, cstring has implicit constructor takes tchar. assume in vc++ versions predate above, cstring implicitly constructed _t('\n') , used in call cstring/cstring overload of operator==.


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