- c# how to give relative path in web.config -

here folder structure

d: |_ myproject |   |_web.config |_ sample     |_xml-file 

in web.config have given absolute path as:

   <add key="xmlpath" value=" d:\sample\xml file" /> 

now, how can change path relative path? tried below , not working.

    <add key="xmlpath" value=" ..\..sample\xml-file" /> 

i have old old code. whenever wanted put relative file-path-name in settings-xml-config, call helper function(s).

public class directoryhelpers {     public static string findphysicalrootdirectory(page p)     {         string rootdir;         //rootdir = p.server.mappath("/");          rootdir = p.server.mappath("~/");         return rootdir;     }      public static string findvirtualrootdirectory(page p)     {         return "~/";     }  } 

and example:

public partial class directorycheck : {     protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)     {         string x = string.concat("physical directory: ", common.directoryhelpers.findphysicalrootdirectory(;        } } 


once have findphysicalrootdirectory, read relative file path web.config , use combine 2 values.


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