xcode gm ios 8 gm swift today extension crash in simulator and device: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib -

i error when run today extension ios:

dyld: library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftcore.dylib   referenced from: /users/andy/library/developer/coresimulator/devices/724ff0c3-6622-4d12-865a-90244c8c63c1/data/containers/bundle/application/30d8974b-ed1a-4f3a-8958-e9b7aa8901a9/app.app/plugins/today.appex/today   reason: image not found 

i've restarted, uninstalled, installed xcode, rebooted machine, created fresh today extension , still got error :-/

same problem on simulator , on device..

do have idea?

build settings -> "embeded content contains swift code" -> yes seems trick.

thanks @dlinsin on twitter

if still not working check too: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25247890/2184338

mine is: runpath search paths

edit: if still still not:

  • check "runpath search paths"
  • check linked frameworks (i have notificationcenter.framework in case)
  • product->clean
  • restart xcode
  • restart machine
  • check provisioning , signature


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