c# - Can two repositories share the same unit of work? -

in project have 2 tabs , in viewmanager class have following code add register views region ,

ibondsunitofwork unitofwork = new bondsunitofwork(new testentities(dalutilities.projconnectionstring));  irepo1 repo = new repo1(unitofwork);  irepo2 repo_second = new repo2(unitofwork); 

my question can use same unitofwork different repositories ?

yes, there no restriction doing it. getting control of data access in level above, when access repositories , tasks insert, update, delete. pseudo-code sample, sample:

ibondsunitofwork unitofwork = new bondsunitofwork(new testentities(dalutilities.projconnectionstring));  try {    unitofwork.open();    unitofwork.begintransaction();     irepo1 repo = new repo1(unitofwork);     repo.update(obj);     irepo2 repo_second = new repo2(unitofwork);     repo.add(obj2);     unitofwork.commit(); } catch (exception ex) {    unitofwork.rollback();    // catch exception here...    // log.. } {    unitofwork.close(); } 


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