many to many - r find one-to-one linkage between 2 cols -

i have dataframe this

df <- data.frame(g1=c("x1","x2","x2","x3","x4"),                  g2=c("y1","y1","y2","y3",na),                  stringsasfactors = false) 

each row indicates x linked y of same row.

how shall find how many x , y uniquely linked, not counting na?

like in case, 1 unique linkage x3 y3.


as understand question, you're looking rows of data frame g1 value , g2 value both unique. can check unique values in r duplicated function:

subset(df, !duplicated(g1) & !duplicated(g1, fromlast=true) & ! &            !duplicated(g2) & !duplicated(g2, fromlast=true) & ! #   g1 g2 # 4 x3 y3 


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