import - R Error: unknown input format -

nei <- readrds(unz(tf, filename = "summaryscc_pm25.rds", open = "", encoding = getoption("encoding"))) 

variable tf temporary file specific location saved on hard drive. understanding format unz() is:

unz(description, filename, open = "", encoding = getoption("encoding")) 

as read documentation, interpreting application of code accurate that:

  1. description specific zip file destination, outputs in var tf c://...//
  2. filename summaryscc_pm25.rds, file extracted from tf
  3. open established in var black should fine
  4. encoding labels language type.

within context of code above, receive "error: unknown input format" r 3.1.1. need clarification on might happening interpret code same as:

nei <- readrds("summaryscc_pm25.rds") 

am misinterpreting this?

i found data online can read file. available here:

> unzip("c:\\users\\jmiller\\downloads\\") > nei <- readrds("summaryscc_pm25.rds") > dim(nei) [1] 6497651       6 > colnames(nei) [1] "fips"      "scc"       "pollutant" "emissions" "type"      "year"     


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