excel - Get sub-parts of text in cell -

i have spreadsheet in excel 1 product per row , height , width of each item according text in column. have dimensions text in column:

8" h x 8" w  2.5" h x 3.5" w  per side 8" h x 8" w  1 color left side 1" h x 3" w  

and put height in column (b) , width in column (c). this:

              (a)                   (b)                (c) 8" h x 8" w                         8                  8 2.5" h x 3.5" w                     2.5                3.5 per side 8" h x 8" w                8                  8 1 color left side 1" h x 3" w       1                  3 

i started snippet can't figure out how desired part:

sub numberextractor() dim cell integer cell = 2 449      if instr(cells(cell, 17), """ h") > 0         cells(cell, 18).value = left(cells(cell, 17), instr(cells(cell, 17), " ") - 1)     end if     if instr(cells(cell, 17), """ w") > 0         cells(cell, 19).value = right(cells(cell, 17), instr(cells(cell, 17), " ") + 2)     end if  next cell end sub 


  1. use unique delimiter. using sidz.
  2. replace " w ""
  3. replace " h x sidz
  4. first split on space , on unique delimiter

try this.

option explicit  sub sample()     dim rng range, acell range     dim ar     dim ht double, wt double     dim stemp string, sdelim string     dim long      sdelim = "sidz"      set rng = range("a1:a4")      each acell in rng         stemp = acell.value         stemp = replace(replace(stemp, """ w ", ""), """ h x ", sdelim)          ar = split(stemp)          = lbound(ar) ubound(ar)             if ar(i) "*" & sdelim & "*"                 acell.offset(, 1).value = split(ar(i), sdelim)(0)                 acell.offset(, 2).value = split(ar(i), sdelim)(1)             end if         next     next acell end sub 

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