shell - Making a curl to an API and get an specific field from the JSON -

i'm making curl terminal following

curl -x "" 

and response json, example one:

"id": "mla511127356",   "site_id": "mla",   "title": "item de testeo, por favor no ofertar --kc:off",   "subtitle": null,   "seller_id": "160252486",   "category_id": "mla4967",   "official_store_id": null,   "price": 10,   "base_price": 10,   "original_price": null,   "currency_id": "ars",   "initial_quantity": 16, 

is there simple way terminal?

thank in advantage.

by using jq parse json data instead of text based parsing.

curl -x "" | jq '.[].id' 


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