Orange Dot for Sublimetext3 dirty files -

modifying preferences/settings - user , adding: "highlight_modified_tabs":true, gets me highlighted text in tab dirty files, cannot greyed out dot on tab change colors well.

what i'm trying accomplish have dirty file dot change orange text on tab modifying above settings, except want dot change color , not text on tab.

answering own question may run issue.

after lot of fiddling around, figured out within default.sublime-theme file on lines describing close file button start @ line 729 (for me @ least) see bunch of different code blocks this:

{ "class": "tab_close_button", "parents": [{"class": "tab_control", "attributes": ["dirty", "file_medium_dark"]}], "layer0.opacity": 0.0, "layer1.opacity": 0.0, "layer2.opacity": 0.0, "layer3.texture": "theme - default/dirty_circle_light.png", "layer3.opacity": 0.5 },

there several different blocks above correspond tab_close_button class dirty attribute, presumably related background color of theme. me, running tomorrow night eighties - had modify above block contained reference code whatever "file_medium_dark" may (i assumed medium_dark catch theme since it's, ... medium dark).

you can apparently change dirty_circle or dirty_indicator png files directly, couldn't find replacements on web , when tried modify directly in paint results weird - nice bright grey box housing circle color wanted instead of circle.

the change:

simply add above block "layer3.tint":[255,161,52] or whatever rbg color want. also, change opacity 0.5 1.0 or muted. 1 unintended consequence when hover on dirty file dot 'x' colored translucent version of whatever color set dirty dot to, opposed default light colored x. i'm sure there way fix has dirty_x attributes i'm tired of messing it.

also, not sure if relevant others on , various forums mentioned making change directly in default.sublime-theme file can have unintended consequences, , advocated making copy of file within packages/user folder , making changes there, since apparently file loaded independently , applied after , on top of default changes.


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